Monday, April 30, 2007

But it ain't no lie...Baby, bye, bye, bye!!!

In case you've been hiding under a rock for the past two weeks and don't already know...everyone's favorite American Idol contestant Sanjaya has been voted off. Finally. Good Riddance Pony Hawk Boy!

I am glad to see him go because I could not stand even looking at him...but it would be very wrong of me not to admit that I admire the young lad. Sanjaya took his lack of musical skill and turned himself into a household name. He has been on the Today Show, Jay Leno, and the rest of the talk shows. You can even buy a "Sanjaya makes me crya" thong on the Internet! The boy has made it...and you should expect to see much more of him over the coming years. Kudos.

As for CKX, Inc., their stock price continues to fall (currently at $10.43). Back in January, a fellow blogger asked his readers if they would invest in CKXE. Out of 380 resposes, 58% responded "Yes, it sounds like a winner" and 36% responded "Where do I text NO?" This shows exactly why that whole idea of asking the audience as a lifeline in "Who Wants to be a Millionare" doesn't always work.

In other CKX news, Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. has recently begun a new marketing campaign with the tag line "Discover Your Inner Elvis." This is their first attempt to heavily market Graceland as a huge tourist attraction along the lines of Disney World. The campaign includes ads on television, radio, print, outdoor, travel guides and on the Internet at